Digital Tutors Exploring Animation in Maya 2011 Animating a Swinging Character (Maya 2011角色綁定動畫訓練教學) 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
本教學是由Digital-Tutors機構出品的Maya 2011角色綁定動畫訓練教學,時長3小
時18分,使用軟體:Maya 2011以上版本,作者:Delano Athias。
Digital-Tutors Exploring Animation in Maya 2011: Animating a Swinging Character
3 hrs. 18 min. | April 4, 2011 | Maya 2011 and up | Author: Delano Athias
In this collection of lessons we will learn how to animate a swinging character.
In this course, we will create an animation of a character swinging to a platform.
Step by step, we will create this performance while covering various techniques
that will help you improve your animation skill set. Techniques like: how to block
in your extremes so that finalizing the animation becomes a faster process,
improving arcs in the movement of your characters, animating between IK and FK
modes, and overall we will learn how to animate with proficient workflows! By the
end of this course, you will have the knowledge you need to create polished
animations at a faster pace