Total Training for Adobe Premiere 6 LEVEL 1 英文光碟正式版
Total Training for Adobe Premiere 6 LEVEL 1 英文光碟正式版
Total Training最一家專業的軟體視訊教學光碟製作公司,這次我們特別收錄了其
公司最受歡迎的教學光碟 Adobe Premiere 6,這套是由Adobe公司所推出,相當著
名的軟體,所以Total Training 特別製作了教學光碟,希望你會喜歡!!
Total Training for Premiere 6 unlocks and reveals the powerful features
of this latest release of Premiere from Adobe Systems. In this 16-hour
series, four Premiere experts show how they create professional quality
films with the advanced video editing capabilities and new effects
featured in Premiere 6. Experienced video producers and production
specialists will appreciate the attention to detail and the accuracy of
the information delivered by this all-new successor to the highly popular
and successful Total Premiere 5 series. Whether you are an experienced
professional or a talented home video producer, this series is a must for
those who want to be Premiere experts and get the most from their
investment in Adobe Premiere.Total Training for Premiere 6 is only
available on DVD and NTSC video. PAL versions are no longer available.